Sets the euler order for the rotation of the panorama BufferGeometry
The bottom field of view is used to determine which tile to load when the camera rotates (in degrees)
The left field of view is used to calculate the bounding square of the nodes (in degrees)
The right field of view is used to calculate the bounding square of the nodes (in degrees)
The top field of view is used to determine which tile to load when the camera rotates (in degrees)
Sets the rotation of the panorama BufferGeometry
Unique identifier for different panoramas
Certain tiles start in the lower left corner and not top left
Adjust the lod to display levels sooner or later when zooming. Lod after adjustment will be clamped [minLodLevel, maxLodLevel]
Maximum field of view used in level of details calculations.
The combined height of the tiles. This will be the calculated height so tiles fit precisely and not the original image height. (in pixels)
The combined width of the tiles. This will be the calculated width so tiles fit precisely and not the original image width. (in pixels)
Minimum field of view used in level of details calculations.
The minimum lod level to start with.
Sets the pitch rotation of the panorama BufferGeometry
Position in world. The coordinates are in meters.
Sets the roll rotation of the panorama BufferGeometry
The size of the sphere around the camera position. Smaller spheres allow placement in world where larger spheres allows better blending between tiles. (in meters)
The tile height that is used to determine the current level of detail (in pixels) In case of square tiles the value of tileHeight will be considered as tileWidth
The tile width that is used to determine the current level of detail (in pixels)
The url pattern to load the tiles
The data structure representing properties of panorama.