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Data structure representing a measurement markup start or end pick


  • MarkupPick



directionX?: number

Unit vector. Defined For pick type plane

directionY?: number

Unit vector. Defined For pick type plane

directionZ?: number

Unit vector. Defined For pick type plane

modelId?: string

The id of the model. The value is equivalent to ModelSpec.id

objectId?: number

Runtime id of the related object

position2X?: number

In millimeters. Defined For pick type line and lineSegment

position2Y?: number

In millimeters. Defined For pick type line and lineSegment

position2Z?: number

In millimeters. Defined For pick type line and lineSegment

positionX: number

X-coordinate in millimeters.

positionY: number

Y-coordinate in millimeters.

positionZ: number

Z-coordinate in millimeters.

referenceObjectId?: string

Static id of the related object

type?: PickType

Pick type