The colors applied to each classification inside the point cloud
The visibility of each classification inside the point cloud
Allows more point loading without changing point size
Increase the thickness of contours from eye dome lighting
Increasing this value increases contrast on slopes and edges for eye dome lighting
Bottom value of elevation range to display (in meters)
Top value of elevation range to display (in meters)
Array of color stops with the given colour to the gradient at the given offset. (0.0 is the offset at one end of the gradient, 1.0 is the offset at the other end)
Range of possible values for the intensity (default: Vector2(0, 65536))
Maximum points to display
Chosen color type e.g. RGB, Classification or elevation
Shape of each point e.g. square, circle or paraboloid
The size of each point
Default or Eye dome lighting
Change point size using distance from camera
The data structure representing point clouds style setting